This is a great Forbes article that seemed best to just copy here.
In addition, here is the link to the original story: http://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2013/02/11/new-edward-burns-hedge-fund-movie-embraces-crowdfunding/
by: Karsten Strauss, Forbes Staff
Several months ago we spotlighted a soon-to-launch crowdfunding company that sought to bring crowdfunding to independent film. That company – Seed & Spark – has launched and now boasts an upcoming film starring Edward Burns among its list of financing projects.

The decision by the filmmakers to use a crowdfunding source like Seed & Spark underscores one of the flexible aspects of crowdfunding in general – to be able to raise smaller sums to fill “those little gaps in cash” that film projects can experience during development, said Emily Best, founder of Seed & Spark. Those gaps can make themselves felt in any portion of the filmmaking process – development, production and post production – and Oliver’s Deal shows that projects that have already secured funding will look to the crowd for additional finances.
“They’re going to be the beginning of a trend moving forward,” Best explained. The film begins shooting in May in New York.
Seed & Spark launched in December and works much like other crowdfunding site—the crowd donates funds or loan items, for which the donor can receive a shout-out in the credits or other gifts. Capital is released to the filmmaker once 80% of the desired sum is in place.
Once the film is finished it can be uploaded to the site and viewed for a sum. Filmmakers who have notused Seed&Spark to fund their films will be able to upload their independent films to the site for viewing. In its first 60 days, the company raised about $146,000 in funds and goods for seven different projects.
Seed & Spark raised about $235,000 in seed funding prior to launch and has begun its second round, in which it intends to raise an additional $300K to $500K.